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Hava alabilen,esnek kumaştan anotomik dirsek şekline uygun üretilmiş örgü dirsekliktir. ENDİKASYONLARI: 1- Kireçlenme 2- Eklem içi sıvı artışı 3- ameliyat ve yaralanma sonrasında kullanılır. 4-Post-travmik veya post-operatif irritasyon,medial ve lateral epikondilit, 5- artrit gibi dirsek ekleminin ağrılı durumlarında ağrıyı azaltmak, 6-kompresyon sağlamak,travmalara karşı korumak amaçlı kullanılır. MATERYALİ : Neopren grubu :3 mm neopren kumaş Örğü grubu :%60 polyamid,%40 likra kumaş ÜRÜNÜN UYGULAMASI
REF 306 -SIMPLE KNITTED ELBOW It takes air,a flexible mesh fabric elbow is manufactured according to the anatomical knee.
INDICATIONS It is used to provide relief from a paintful elbow joint conditions such as post-traumatic or post-operative irritation,medial and lateral epicondylitis,arthritis to alleviate the pain,provide compression,and protect against the traumas. MATERIAL Neoprene group :3mm neoprene fabric Knitting group :%60 polyamid,%40 Iycra fabric. APPLICATION OF THE PRODUCT
IMPORTANT INFORMATIONS AND CAUTIONS IMPORTANT INFORMATIONS AND CAUTIONS: This medical tool is designed for use of only one patient.If your physician recommends you to wear the bandage at night,prevent the bandage to hinder your blood circulation.If you feel lethargy,loosen the bandages and remove it if necessary.If your complaints prolongs please consult your physician.If you want to perform some little changes on the product for comford or easy usage,please consult your physician or your dealer for technical support.Do not expose the product to extreme temperatures or flame This product cannot be used for other purposes or combined with other product.It must be used for only original indications.Neoprene products must be used maximum 3-4 hours.For other materials,the using time should not exceed 8 hours.(Unless otherwise recommended by your physician )If you have heat allergy,do not use the neoprene products unlees you consult with your physician.If you have latex and rubber allergy,check the material ingredients of the product before use and in this case put a fabrics between the product and your skin to absorb the moisture and sweat.Use only if prescribed by your physician. WASHING INSTRUCTIONS
Beden; S : 22 - 24 cm M : 24 - 26 cm L : 26 - 28 cm XL : 28 - 30 cm XXL : 30 - 32 cm | ||||||||||||||||||